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Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease – what is the influence of the human mind?
The article explains how individuals with Alzheimer’s and dementia can use placebo effects to influence the course of the disease through the power of their mind
Anxiety disorders – Which medicinal plants, vitamins and minerals help against anxiety?
For mild to moderate anxiety associated with depressive disorders or anxiety related to menopause, home remedies such as…..
Adiposity (Obesity) – The psyche is of far-reaching importance
Overweight and obesity are, according to popular opinion, a problem of too much wrong food and too little exercise. It is not uncommon for overweight people to be accused of lacking willpower and character….
Osteoarthritis – Which medicinal plants, vitamins and minerals can help?
Anti-inflammatory herbs (natural remedies) help prevent osteoarthritis and arthritis pain. Natural remedies can improve the treatment of osteoarthritis, especially in the early stages of…
Gray Star (Cataract)
What should you do if your vision becomes cloudy? Learn more about the symptoms, triggers and medical help for cataracts below!
Herniated disc (disc prolapse)
Suddenly – severe & stabbing pain in the back radiating into the legs or arms? The diagnosis – a slipped disc! Read important information about this.
Anorexia – loss of appetite: treatment options
Long-lasting loss of appetite, possibly accompanied by unwanted weight loss, should always be clarified by a doctor….
Chlamydia infection
All important information on the topic: What are chlamydia? What signs do they cause? How exactly can a chlamydia infection be treated?