Current articles
Depressions lie like shadows on the soul and plunges life into a drab grey. Far more than a temporary low mood, they affect everyday life and affect not only thinking and feeling, but also physical well-being. Loss of drive and melancholy, but also lack of concentration, insomnia and chronic pain are among the many complaints that indicate depression and can significantly reduce the quality of life…..
Chlamydia infection
All important information on the topic: What are chlamydia? What signs do they cause? How exactly can a chlamydia infection be treated?
Periodontitis (Periodontosis)
Do you suffer from periodontitis (Periodontosis)? Learn everything you need to know about the symptoms, causes and treatment of periodontitis here.
Anorexia – loss of appetite: Herbs, vitamins and minerals help
There are some plants or herbs whose effect on appetite has been studied and proven. Commission E, an independent expert commission….
Cold and flu – vitamins, minerals and probiotics strengthen the defences
Our immune system needs sufficient amounts of vitamin C, vitamin D, zinc, magnesium and other micronutrients to prevent flu and colds
Hives (Urticaria)
Who treats urticaria and is hives contagious? What can you do about it yourself? You can find answers to questions like these and many more in the following article.
Diabetes mellitus type 2
This article is about why more and more people worldwide are getting type 2 diabetes. In addition, a holistic approach to treatment is discussed.
Why are people around the world getting fatter?
The article points out the causes of the worldwide increase in overweight and obesity and gives valuable tips on the right way to eat.