Q65.- Congenital deformities of hip


  • Clicking hip (R29.4)
  • Q65
  • Congenital deformities of hip
    • Q65.0
    Congenital dislocation of hip, unilateral
      • Q65.00
    Congenital dislocation of unspecified hip, unilateral
      • Q65.01
    Congenital dislocation of right hip, unilateral
      • Q65.02
    Congenital dislocation of left hip, unilateral
    • Q65.1
    Congenital dislocation of hip, bilateral
    • Q65.2
    Congenital dislocation of hip, unspecified
    • Q65.3
    Congenital partial dislocation of hip, unilateral
      • Q65.30
    Congenital partial dislocation of unspecified hip, unilateral
      • Q65.31
    Congenital partial dislocation of right hip, unilateral
      • Q65.32
    Congenital partial dislocation of left hip, unilateral
    • Q65.4
    Congenital partial dislocation of hip, bilateral
    • Q65.5
    Congenital partial dislocation of hip, unspecified
    • Q65.6
    Congenital unstable hip
    • Q65.8
    Other congenital deformities of hip
      • Q65.81
    Congenital coxa valga
      • Q65.82
    Congenital coxa vara
      • Q65.89
    Other specified congenital deformities of hip
    • Q65.9
    Congenital deformity of hip, unspecified