M53 | Other and unspecified dorsopathies, not elsewhere classified |
| Cervicocranial syndrome |
| Cervicobrachial syndrome |
| Spinal instabilities |
| Spinal instabilities |
| Spinal instabilities, occipito-atlanto-axial region |
| Spinal instabilities, cervical region |
| Spinal instabilities, cervicothoracic region |
| Spinal instabilities, thoracic region |
| Spinal instabilities, thoracolumbar region |
| Spinal instabilities, lumbar region |
| Spinal instabilities, lumbosacral region |
| Spinal instabilities, sacral and sacrococcygeal region |
| Spinal instabilities, site unspecified |
| Sacrococcygeal disorders, not elsewhere classified |
| Other specified dorsopathies |
| Other specified dorsopathies, site unspecified |
| Other specified dorsopathies, occipito-atlanto-axial region |
| Other specified dorsopathies, cervical region |
| Other specified dorsopathies, cervicothoracic region |
| Other specified dorsopathies, thoracic region |
| Other specified dorsopathies, thoracolumbar region |
| Other specified dorsopathies, lumbar region |
| Other specified dorsopathies, lumbosacral region |
| Other specified dorsopathies, sacral and sacrococcygeal region |
| Dorsopathy, unspecified |