G83.- Other paralytic syndromes


  • Paralysis (complete) (incomplete), except as inG80-G82)
  • G83
  • Other paralytic syndromes
    • G83.0
    Diplegia of upper limbs
    • G83.1
    Monoplegia of lower limb
      • G83.10
    Monoplegia of lower limb, affecting unspecified side
      • G83.11
    Monoplegia of lower limb, affecting right dominant side
      • G83.12
    Monoplegia of lower limb, affecting left dominant side
      • G83.13
    Monoplegia of lower limb, affecting right nondominant side
      • G83.14
    Monoplegia of lower limb, affecting left nondominant side
    • G83.2
    Monoplegia of upper limb
      • G83.20
    Monoplegia of upper limb, affecting unspecified side
      • G83.21
    Monoplegia of upper limb, affecting right dominant side
      • G83.22
    Monoplegia of upper limb, affecting left dominant side
      • G83.23
    Monoplegia of upper limb, affecting right nondominant side
      • G83.24
    Monoplegia of upper limb, affecting left nondominant side
    • G83.3
    Monoplegia, unspecified
      • G83.30
    Monoplegia, unspecified, affecting unspecified side
      • G83.31
    Monoplegia, unspecified, affecting right dominant side
      • G83.32
    Monoplegia, unspecified, affecting left dominant side
      • G83.33
    Monoplegia, unspecified, affecting right nondominant side
      • G83.34
    Monoplegia, unspecified, affecting left nondominant side
    • G83.4
    Cauda equina syndrome
    • G83.5
    Locked-in state
    • G83.8
    Other specified paralytic syndromes
      • G83.81
    Brown-Séquard syndrome
      • G83.82
    Anterior cord syndrome
      • G83.83
    Posterior cord syndrome
      • G83.84
    Todd’s paralysis (postepileptic)
      • G83.89
    Other specified paralytic syndromes
    • G83.9
    Paralytic syndrome, unspecified