E80.- Disorders of porphyrin and bilirubin metabolism


  • Defects of catalase and peroxidase
  • E80
  • Disorders of porphyrin and bilirubin metabolism
    • E80.0
    Hereditary erythropoietic porphyria
    • E80.1
    Porphyria cutanea tarda
    • E80.2
    Other and unspecified porphyria
      • E80.20
    Unspecified porphyria
      • E80.21
    Acute intermittent (hepatic) porphyria
      • E80.29
    Other porphyria
    • E80.3
    Defects of catalase and peroxidase
    • E80.4
    Gilbert syndrome
    • E80.5
    Crigler-Najjar syndrome
    • E80.6
    Other disorders of bilirubin metabolism
    • E80.7
    Disorder of bilirubin metabolism, unspecified