E74.- Other disorders of carbohydrate metabolism


  • Diabetes mellitus (E08-E13)
  • Hypoglycemia NOS (E16.2)
  • Increased secretion of glucagon (E16.3)
  • Mucopolysaccharidosis (E76.0–E76.3)
  • E74
  • Other disorders of carbohydrate metabolism
    • E74.0
    Glycogen storage disease
      • E74.00
    Glycogen storage disease, unspecified
      • E74.01
    von Gierke disease
      • E74.02
    Pompe disease
      • E74.03
    Cori disease
      • E74.04
    McArdle disease
      • E74.09
    Other glycogen storage disease
    • E74.1
    Disorders of fructose metabolism
      • E74.10
    Disorder of fructose metabolism, unspecified
      • E74.11
    Essential fructosuria
      • E74.12
    Hereditary fructose intolerance
      • E74.19
    Other disorders of fructose metabolism
    • E74.2
    Disorders of galactose metabolism
      • E74.20
    Disorders of galactose metabolism, unspecified
      • E74.21
      • E74.29
    Other disorders of galactose metabolism
    • E74.3
    Other disorders of intestinal carbohydrate absorption
      • E74.31
    Sucrase-isomaltase deficiency
      • E74.39
    Other disorders of intestinal carbohydrate absorption
    • E74.4
    Disorders of pyruvate metabolism and gluconeogenesis
    • E74.8
    Other specified disorders of carbohydrate metabolism
      • E74.81
    Disorders of glucose transport, not elsewhere classified
          • E74.810
    Glucose transporter protein type 1 deficiency
          • E74.818
    Other disorders of glucose transport
          • E74.819
    Disorders of glucose transport, unspecified
      • E74.89
    Other specified disorders of carbohydrate metabolism
    • E74.9
    Disorder of carbohydrate metabolism, unspecified