E66.- Overweight and obesity


  • Adiposogenital dystrophy (E23.6)
  • Lipomatosis NOS (E88.2)
  • Lipomatosis dolorosa [Dercum] (E88.2)
  • Prader-Willi syndrome (Q87.11)
  • E66
  • Overweight and obesity
    • E66.0
    Obesity due to excess calories
      • E66.01
    Morbid (severe) obesity due to excess calories
      • E66.09
    Other obesity due to excess calories
    • E66.1
    Drug-induced obesity
    • E66.2
    Morbid (severe) obesity with alveolar hypoventilation
    • E66.3
    • E66.8
    Other obesity
    • E66.9
    Obesity, unspecified