G89.- Pain, not elsewhere classified


  • Atypical face pain (G50.1)
  • Headache syndromes (G44.-)
  • Localized pain, unspecified type – code to pain by site, such as:
  • Generalized pain NOS (R52)
  • Pain disorders exclusively related to psychological factors (F45.41)
  • Abdomen pain (R10.-)
  • Back pain (M54.9)
  • Breast pain (N64.4)
  • Chest pain (R07.1–R07.9)
  • Pain NOS (R52)
  • Ear pain (H92.0-)
  • Eye pain (H57.1)
  • Headache (R51.9)
  • Joint pain (M25.5-)
  • Limb pain (M79.6-)
  • Lumbar region pain (M54.5-)
  • Painful urination (R30.9)
  • Pelvic and perineal pain (R10.2)
  • Shoulder pain (M25.51-)
  • Spine pain (M54.-)
  • Throat pain (R07.0)
  • Tongue pain (K14.6)
  • Tooth pain (K08.8)
  • Renal colic (N23)
  • Migraines (G43.-)
  • Myalgia (M79.1-)
  • Pain from prosthetic devices, implants, and grafts (T82.84-T83.84-T84.84-T85.84-)
  • Phantom limb syndrome with pain (G54.6)
  • Vulvar vestibulitis (N94.810)
  • Vulvodynia (N94.81-)
  • G89
  • Pain, not elsewhere classified
    • G89.0
    Central pain syndrome
    • G89.1
    Acute pain, not elsewhere classified
      • G89.11
    Acute pain due to trauma
      • G89.12
    Acute post-thoracotomy pain
      • G89.18
    Other acute postprocedural pain
    • G89.2
    Chronic pain, not elsewhere classified
      • G89.21
    Chronic pain due to trauma
      • G89.22
    Chronic post-thoracotomy pain
      • G89.28
    Other chronic postprocedural pain
      • G89.29
    Other chronic pain
    • G89.3
    Neoplasm related pain (acute) (chronic)
    • G89.4
    Chronic pain syndrome