B02 | Zoster [herpes zoster] |
| Zoster encephalitis |
| Zoster meningitis |
| Zoster with other nervous system involvement |
| Postherpetic geniculate ganglionitis |
| Postherpetic trigeminal neuralgia |
| Postherpetic polyneuropathy |
| Postherpetic myelitis |
| Other postherpetic nervous system involvement |
| Zoster ocular disease |
| Zoster ocular disease, unspecified |
| Zoster conjunctivitis |
| Zoster iridocyclitis |
| Zoster keratitis |
| Zoster scleritis |
| Other herpes zoster eye disease |
| Disseminated zoster |
| Zoster with other complications |
| Zoster without complications |